Companies are acknowledging the effect that their manufacturing is having on the planet. Companies such as Cake Maternity make is mandatory to work with manufacturers that minimise their waste, consider the impact their processes have on the environment & are operating under socially responsible conditions.
Cake Maternity uses only Oeko-tex fabrics, accessories and dyeing houses. ‘Oeko–Tex textiles and fabrics are certified free of harmful chemicals and are safer for human use’.
Cake Maternity is also increasing the use of natural fabrics such as modal, cotton and bamboo as demand continues to drive the direction.
Packaging is also a key consideration with our polybags now biodegradable and no product is supplied with hangers any more.
As our brand continues to grow so does our awareness of our environment. We have made it our mission to continue to make smart decisions that will reduce our carbon footprint on the planet. An initiative we are working on at the moment is our postal packaging.
Cake Maternity- Other initiatives:
- Eco friendly cleaning detergents and hand wash
- Recycled toilet paper
- Solar Panels
- Reusing of old polybags
- Recycling
- Plenty of green leafy plants in the office
Making smart choices about the products you choose to use early on can help to establish good habits not only for you but also for your family. Leading by example is always the best tool in teaching others. Stay true to your beliefs and don’t waver under pressure.
Eco-friendly must-haves
1. Washable nursing pads
Most washable nursing pads are made from cotton and or bamboo blends and are designed to draw moisture away from leaks.
- Durable
- Soft and comfortable against the skin
- Allow the skin to breath
- No wastage
- Contain no harmful dyes and or chemicals
- Washable
2. Bamboo or cotton nursing bras
Bamboo and cotton nursing bras are the perfect choice for women who are looking for a bra that is made from natural fabrics. Both of these fabrics feel incredibly soft on and will allow the skin to breathe. Synthetic fabrics can be hot and irritable when placed directly onto the body.
TIP: Avoid washing in hot water and or using a clothes dryer. The heat is likely to damage the fabric and can cause shrinkage.
3. Organic cotton/ bamboo clothing
Choose items of clothing that are made from cotton and or bamboo. They are less likely to irritate baby’s delicate skin and will feel comfortable and snuggly on.
Some clothing may even be organic certified, which is an added benefit.
You might also like: Things to Consider When Buying Maternity Clothes
‘Organic cotton is generally defined as cotton that is grown organically in subtropical countries such as India, Turkey, China, and parts of the USA from non-genetically modified plants, and without the use of any synthetic agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides’.
4. Food storage containers
Invest in a number of storage containers in a range of different sizes. Storage containers will become particularly helpful when baby starts to eat solids.
Choose containers made from stainless steel variety avoiding plastic containers that contain BPA.
‘BPA stands for bisphenol A. BPA is an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins since the 1960s. BPA is found in polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Polycarbonate plastics are often used in containers that store food and beverages, such as water bottles’.
When heated plastic containers made from BPA can release harmful chemicals.
5. Washable nappies
Whist washable nappies are not everybody’s first choice they are definitely more environmentally friendly.
Should you decide to use washable nappies research it first. Find a brand or product that suits your needs and commit to the challenge.
Buy plenty to ensure you have spares for those days when extra nappies are used. Ensure you have plenty of washing line space and buckets for soaking.
TIP: Use cold water and a biodegradable washing agent in the cleaning process.

6. Muslin face cloths
Muslin face cloths are soft and gentle on baby’s skin. They can be used in the bath and or wiping baby’s face after eating and his or her bottom during a nappy change. They are a more sustainable solution to wet wipes.
TIP: When out and about keep a few damp muslin clothes in a waterproof bag. Once they are used they can be placed back into the bag and washed later at home.

7. Wooden toys or fabric toys
Avoid toys made from plastic and cheap, mass manufactured toys. We tend to as parents to invest in way to many toys for our children. Most of them are only played with for a short period of time and then left in a corner.
Invest in quality wooden toys and other handmade gifts. They are more likely to be cherished and loved longer.

8. Quilt made from reusable fabrics
Handmade quilts and other beautiful linens are a wonderful touch to a nursery and are eco friendly. Re-using old fabrics recycles the garment and gives it a new purpose, rather than sitting in a dumpster.
Handmade items are more likely to be kept and handed down from generation to generation.
9. Recycled nursery decor (dresser)
You don’t need to invest in brand new items of furniture when designing a nursery. Often second hand pieces have more character and can add a lovely warm vibe to an environment.
TIP: Consider older items of furniture, which can be given a new life with a quick sand and some paint. Add new handles and or collage elements to the pieces to create personality.
10. Eco friendly body washes/shampoos
Baby’s skin is particularly delicate and prone to rashes and other skin conditions if exposed to harmful creams and washing solutions.
Choose an eco-friendly product that is gentle on the skin and contains no harmful chemicals that could pollute the waterways.
TIP: Purchase shampoo bars and soaps that contain minimal packaging. Not only do you reduce container waste but you will also end up using less product.
11. Reusable shopping bags
Invest in some good quality canvas shopping bags and some cotton mesh drawstring bags for fruit and vegetables. This way you can avoid using plastic supermarket bags during your weekly shop.
Store emptied bags in the boot of your car after unpacking your groceries to ensure you always have them with you.
TIP: Carry with you always a small fold up reusable bag. This way you will always have a bag with you in case of an unexpected purchase.
Simple ways to help the environment
Save clothing and other items for siblings and or donate to a friend.
Charities are always looking for quality items. Should you have no one to give to, contact a local charity store and donate the items. They will go to a good home.

Shop at a Farmers market
Support local business and buy direct from the growers. The produce is likely to be fresher and requires a much smaller industry to grow and sell.
Grow your own fruit and vegetables
One sure way to control what we are putting in our body is to grow our own fruit and or vegetables.
Should you not have room for a garden, join a local community group and work on a communal garden that will flourish and grow an abundance of fresh produce for everyone to share.
You and your family can enjoy a range of different fresh foods that are free from hormones, pesticides, and genetically modified varieties.
Shop eco friendly conscious companies
Your buying habits impact the environment. Choose to shop with companies that are making a conscious effort to reduce their carbon print on the environment.
General tips: Shop less and spend smart. Buy only what you need and avoid purchasing things that you are unlikely to use everyday. Choose quality over quantity.
Shop second hand
Visit a second hand store and check out the offerings. People often donate near new items of clothing; on occasion you may find pieces that has never been used.

Breastfeed if possible
The art of breastfeeding is organic and natural. Breastfeeding in its core requires nothing other than mum and baby. No wastage, no washing up, no electricity, no highly manufactured food supplements required. Simply put, its nature working at its best!
Considering your choices and make a few small changes. It’s a start to making our planet a much healthier happier place to live. The choices we make today help to determine the type of planet our children get to grow up in.
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